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Joiners, Movers, Leavers web part

The JML (Joiners, Movers, Leavers) web part is used to assign collections of documents or other items to users depending on their role.

Roles are configured in the JMLConfiguration list in the docCentrum Working Documents centre.

This list represents all items that can be assigned via the JML web part. Each item has a Title (display name) and a URL that will be navigated to, as well as the read type of Mandatory or Recommended, Reader Instructions, Media Type - and critically a "Role".

Assigning Tasks

When you navigate to the "JML" page in the docCentrum Working Documents Centre, you are presented with the JML web part.

The first option available to set is the employees that you want to assign documents to. You can set up multiple users using this web part, just by searching for and selecting the users in the "Employee" text box.

The second option is which Roles these employees are in. The Roles that you select define which documents will be assigned to those users.

When you select one or more roles, the list of documents that will be assigned are displayed below.

Finally, when you click "Submit", tasks are then assigned to each employee specified, for each document that appears in the list after selecting roles.


There is currently only one configurable option available in this web part at this time.

Setting Description
Web Part Title Optionally show a title above the web part on the page