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App Bar

The App Bar provides a customisable list of shortcuts to web apps that can be configured for your business.

A list of available Apps is centrally configured, and each user can customise which of these Apps appear in their App Bar.

My Apps

App Bar

Clicking any of the app icons will launch that app in a new browser tab.

App Bar Personalisation

To personalise your App Bar, click "Edit My Apps".

This will launch the App Bar Editor.

App Bar Personalisation

Click an available app from the list of All Apps to add it to your App Bar. Clicking any app in "Your Apps" will remove it and it will appear in the "All Apps" list.

When you are done, click Save and your App Bar will update.

Available Apps Configuration

When Mercury is first deployed, a series of Apps are added to the App Bar Apps list to help you get running right away, and provides a base template for you to add more apps relevant to your business.

These apps are defined in the App Bar Apps list in the Hub Site.

App Bar Apps

Each App Bar App requires the following configuration:

Setting Description
Title This is the display label for the app when shown in the App Bar.
App Order This defines the position in the App Bar rail when the user edits their App Bar.
App Link This is the link to the App.
App Image This is the image to be shown for the App in the App Bar.
App Default When set to "true", this App will be shown in the user's App Bar if they have no Apps configured for their own App Bar.