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Global Components

Global Components are provided by Mercury that are accessable on every page in your hub. Use the links in the navigation to learn more.

Most of these global components are accessed via the Mercury Top Bar.

Top Bar Configuration


This feature is currently under development. If you see this in your environment beware that some features may change in upcoming releases, and you may need to remove/re-add the Web Part after an upgrade.

Which components are visible can be set by modifying the JSON configuration file topbarconfig.json in your Hub Site's SiteAssets library.

When hiding components such as Announcements or Mailbox, the remaining space is occupied by the other components, evenly spaced across the width available (or the width configured).

Below is the default topbarconfig.json deployed to your site when first installed.

    "width": "100%",
    "announcementsList": "Announcements",
    "announcementsCategory": "",
    "announcementsNewHours": 24,
    "announcementsUpdateHours": 24,
    "announcementsSite": "https://{tenantUrl}{MercuryHubSite}",
    "serviceUpdatesSite": "https://{tenantUrl}{MercuryHubSite}",
    "serviceUpdatesList": "Service Updates",
    "serviceUpdateNewHours": 24,
    "serviceUpdateUpdateHours": 24,
    "singleStatusUpdate": false

This table describes the options that can be set:

Setting Description
width Set to a string CSS width value to restrict the width of the entire Top Bar.
announcementsNewHours Set the number of hours for how long the 'new' icon should be shown next to the announcement item.
announcementsUpdateHours Set the number of hours for how long the 'update' icon should be shown next to the announcement item.
serviceUpdateNewHours Set the number of hours for how long the 'new' icon should be shown next to the service update item.
serviceUpdateUpdateHours Set the number of hours for how long the 'update' icon should be shown next to the service update item.
singleStatusUpdate Set to true to show only one, the latest and highest Service Update on the top bar.

Optional Configuration

There are other optional settings that can be set:

Setting Description
announcementsList Specifies the name of the list to read Announcements from, for the Announcements ticker. If absent, the list will be named "Announcements" by default.
announcementsCategory Specifies the Category of Announcements to be read. Other categories will be ignored. If absent, all Announcements of any category will be shown.
announcementsSite Specifies the URL of the site where the Announcements list will be read from. If absent, the URL of the Hub Site will be used.
announcementsButtonText Specifies the text to show in the button displayed at the bottom of the Announcements Panel. Button is only shown if the user has write access to the Announcements List, and text here is specified.
serviceUpdatesSite Specifies the URL of the site where the Service Updates list will be read from. If absent, the URL of the Hub Site will be used.
serviceUpdatesList Specifies the name of the list to read Service Updates from, for the Service Updates ticker. If absent, the list will be named "Service Updates" by default.
favIcon Specifies the path of the Fav Icon to use for this site. This must be a .ico or a .png file located somewhere accessible by the user, such as the Site Assets library of the site.
AppBarEditButtonText Specifies custom text applied to the 'Edit My Apps' button in the App Bar. Custom text will not be localized once set.
AppBarEditPanelTitle Specifies a custom title in the App Bar 'Edit You Applications' Panel. Custom text will not be localized once set.
worldClockData Sets the default configuration for the World Clock component. See the World Clock page for more info.
commandBarItems Configures which items to show in the Command Bar. See the Command Bar page for more info.
farsideCommandBarItems Configures which items to show in the far side of the Command Bar.
disableAssociatedSitesPagesNavigation Disables the ability to show Pages from the Associated Sites panel.
hideCommandBar Turns off the Command Bar.
commandBarExtensions An array of custom extensions to load for the Command Bar. See the Mercury Developer Notes for more info.
serviceUpdatesTickerOptions Ticker options for the Service Updates icon. See the Command Bar page for more info.
announcementsTickerOptions Ticker options for the Announcements icon. See the Command Bar page for more info.
connectedHubs An array of Hub IDs that this hub is connected to.
associatedSitesSettings Display settings for Associated Sites.
pinnedSites An Array of Pinned Site URLs to show in the Associated Sites panel.
milestoneMessagesConfig A url and a list from where messages should be fetched.