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This flexible layout is for general search display needs, it can be configured with how many items you'd like per row and supports a large number of templates


  • Preferred Items Per Row
    • Set the number of items you'd prefer to see per row
    • This preferential figure is subject to change depending on screen size i.e mobile users will likely see less than the setting
  • Display Template
    • Select which display template you'd like to use, you can see a list of the supported templates below
  • Follow Items
    • Enable following of items returned in Templates
    • Only applicable on Content Tile, Image Tile, Image Card and Simple Tile
  • Hide Image
    • When enabled hides the image on the template
    • Only applicable on Content Tile, Image Tile, Image Card, Simple Tile and Events Card
  • Title Lines to Show
    • Set the number of lines of the title to be display before truncating


Each template comes with its own set of required fields so they may not all work right away. ensure all required properties are selected in both "slots" and "Select Properties"



Card templates tend to display more information than others focusing on metadata for discovery. They have a more focused design usually only supported one or two types of result at a time


Tile templates tend to focus more on style and display than metadata, they're usually better used for news, images or search results where more visual recognition is important