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Flexi Tiles

Flexi Tiles Web Part is used to display a dashboard of images powered by a SharePoint Document Library.


This web part provides various options to control the display of the feed.

Primary Settings


Setting Description
Mode Select the type of content to display.
Site URL Url of the site collection to target. When not provided uses the current site.
Select a library Select a Flexi Tiles list.

Create a new Library lets user's create a new FlexiTiles library in the site. User's will be able to select the new library from the dropdown when this is finished.


Use this option to set up "Quick Tiles", where user's specify the individual items to display. Click the "Configure" button to open the editor

Setting Description
Title The text to be displayed for the tile
Caption A subtitle for the tile
Link The location to navigate to when the tile is clicked
Open in new window When checked, the link will open in a new tab/window when clicked
Image Select the image to be displayed as the tile background
Icon Choose an Icon to be shown on the tile
Background Colour Set a background colour for the file
Font Colour Set a colour for the title and caption texts, as well as the font

Tile Display Style

Setting Description
Tile Style Select a display style from the available options.
Circle Display tiles in a circle.

General Settings

Setting Description
Tiles Per Row Number of tiles on a single row.
Tile Height Set the high of each tile
Border Thickness Set the tickness of the border on each tile
Dynamic Sizing When activated Tiles will stetch to fill any remaining space on a row.
Overlay Position Set the Tile overlay to appear above or below the image.
Toggle Animations Turn on/off a sliding animation
Carousel Turns on/off a carousel view of all tiles
Setting Description
Slides to show The number of tiles to show at one time
Autoplay Automatically scroll the carousel
Speed The time between each scroll when on Autoplay
Infinite When the end is reached, continue from the start
Arrows Show navigation arrows
Dots Show navigation dots

Auxillary Settings

Text Alignment | Set the alignment for the Title and Caption text. Match Theme Colours | Sets the Tile overlay colours to match the current SharePoint theme. Background Colour | Sets the background colour of the Tile overlay. Transparency | Sets the Transparency for the tile overlay. 1 being fully opaque. Font Colour | Sets the font colour of the Tile Tile and Caption. Font Size | Sets the base font size for the Tile Title and Caption. Icon Size | Sets the size of the icon to be shown

Config Repository

This web part supports use of the config repository, to allow users to save and load configurations of web parts with ease.

Loading a config file will populate the web part properties with properties from the incoming file.


Saving to SharePoint allows collaboration between users in a tenant.

The path the file is saved to is tenant-name/Site Assets/Mercury Assets/webpart-name.json.


To save a file to SharePoint, edit permissions are required on the root Site Assets library.

To load a file from SharePoint, read permissions are required on the root Site Assets library.


Saving to OneDrive allows a user to save a file locally, this is the best option when a user does not have the required permissions to save to SharePoint.

The path the file is saved to is Mercury Assets/webpartname.json.