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People Finder

Use this web part to allow users to find people in their company. This search automatically includes "Guest" users - people outside the organisation that users may have invited in, for example via Teams for collaboration.

Users can type in the name of a person and matching people will be displayed below. They can also use the A - Z selector to display people whose name starts with that letter.

What search we support:

Search by A-Z

  • Display Name
  • Given Name People Finder WebPart - Default Search

Search from Textbox

  • City
  • Country
  • Department
  • Display Name
  • Employee Id
  • Given Name (First Name)
  • Job Title
  • Mail
  • Mail Nick Name
  • Other Mails
  • State
  • Surname
  • Usage Location
  • User Principle Name


There is a selection of options that are available that can be hidden or shown to users.

Setting Description
Web Part Title Optionally show a title above the web part on the page.
Default Search Text Provide a search text that is applied by default when the user first sees the web part.
Group Use this to choose a Microsoft 365 Group that will be used to restrict the results shown.
Default Filter Apply an OData filter query here that will be applied to every search the user does. Use this to exclude certain users from appearing.
Hide Search Box Use this to hide the search box .
Hide A to Z Use this to hide the A - Z control below the search box.
Show All Displays all users as a default view.
Restricted results Use this to restrict result to search only by department.
Choose Scope Select the Department that the search will scope to.
Hide Guests Select this option to not show Guest users.
Enable Paging Choose whether to page results depending on number of results.
Number of Results Per Page The number of results to display per page.
No Results Message Use this to customise what is shown when there are no results for the user's search query.

Default Filter

Use an OData Query here to filter the user's searches. This example filters all searches by Office of "Wakefield"

officeLocation eq 'Wakefield'

The property name will need to be as from Azure AD. Use this page as a reference, the only properties that can be used here are marked as "supports $filter":


Selecting Show All overrides this setting.


All data returned from this web part is stored in Azure Active Directory:

People Finder: Azure Active Directory

Restrict results

We currently only support results by Department that can be found in the Term Store Settings in the SharePoint Admin Centre under Content Service settings:

People Finder: Content Service

and in the People and Department Term Store (This is built in Term store)

People Finder: Term Store

Config Repository

This web part supports use of the config repository, to allow users to save and load configurations of web parts with ease.

Loading a config file will populate the web part properties with properties from the incoming file.


Saving to SharePoint allows collaboration between users in a tenant.

The path the file is saved to is tenant-name/Site Assets/Mercury Assets/webpart-name.json.


To save a file to SharePoint, edit permissions are required on the root Site Assets library.

To load a file from SharePoint, read permissions are required on the root Site Assets library.


Saving to OneDrive allows a user to save a file locally, this is the best option when a user does not have the required permissions to save to SharePoint.

The path the file is saved to is Mercury Assets/webpartname.json.