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Quick Search

Quick Search allows fast access to content in the environment. The web part can be pre-configured to return specific types of content.


Be aware that changes to documents & items returned by this web part may take a short time to reflect in this web part as it relies on the SharePoint Search Service to discover changes to documents & items.


Setting Description
Web Part Title Optionally show a title above the web part on the page.
Default Placeholder Text Set a default placeholder such as "Search for documents..."
Search Type Sets what type of content to return, see below.
Custom Query Allows overriding the query that is executed when performing a Quick Search. Read more about the KQL syntax used for the custom query here. See below for some examples.
Custom Icon Allows specifying an icon to show next to each result. View available icons on this page.
Result Link Property Set this to the Search Managed Property to use the link that users will be navigated to when they click on a search result. The default used here is the Path Managed Property. This setting lets user's override this.
Search Source Select the source for the items being returned by the search
Row Limit Limits the number of items returned.
Show All Results URL A URL with prefix of current search, to send users to view all results e.g Search Center.

Search Types

Here are the details of the available search types that can be performed

Search Type Description
News Returns only Published News Articles
Documents Returns only Documents
Custom Uses the Custom Query to return items

Custom Search Queries

Use these examples to supply the Custom Query section to perform custom queries with this web part

Description Query
HR News - News tagged with Department HR PromotedState:2 owstaxIdMercuryDepartment:HR
Docs with modified this month LastModifiedTime="this month"


SLOTS are a way to display custom managed properties with a clear label on the results.

  • SLOT Name, the label for the managed property to display on the result. e.g. Depeartment
  • SLOT Value, the managed property to be used as a commma seperated list on the returned result.

Config Repository

This web part supports use of the config repository, to allow users to save and load configurations of web parts with ease.

Loading a config file will populate the web part properties with properties from the incoming file.


Saving to SharePoint allows collaboration between users in a tenant.

The path the file is saved to is tenant-name/Site Assets/Mercury Assets/webpart-name.json.


To save a file to SharePoint, edit permissions are required on the root Site Assets library.

To load a file from SharePoint, read permissions are required on the root Site Assets library.


Saving to OneDrive allows a user to save a file locally, this is the best option when a user does not have the required permissions to save to SharePoint.

The path the file is saved to is Mercury Assets/webpartname.json.