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Section Header

The Section Header web part allows for a customisable 'Web Part Title' to be added in any zone to give a header to a section.

Configuration Options

Adding the web part to the page in a zone will present a text box to the user. Editing the web part will give the header styling options.

Option Description Required
Background Colour The background colour for the header, can be theme, a custom colour or image. No
Advance Mode Toggle to allow for styling of individual sections of text. No
Font Size Slider to set the font size for the text. No
Font Colour Colour for the text, can be theme or a custom colour. No
Bold Toggle to set if the text is bold. No
Italics Toggle to set if the text is italic. No
Text Align Alignment of text. (left, center, right). No
Icon Icon or image picker used to set the icon to display next to the text. No
Icon Colour Colour for the icon, can be theme or a custom colour. No
Icon Bold Toggle to set if the text is bold. No
Border Position Choice to set the border position. No
Border Width Slider to set the border width. No
Border Radius Slider to set the border radius. No
Border Colour Colour for the border, can be theme or set to a custom colour. No
Call to Action Enable a call to action button in the header No

Advanced Mode Settings

Option Description Required
Text The text to display Yes
Font Theme Theme colour No
Colour Custom colour for the text, only applies when font theme is custom No
Size Font Size No
Bold Bold text No
Italics Italic text No

Call to Action Settings

Option Description
Link The url to navigate to when clicking the button
Link Text Text to display in the button
Icon or Image Set and icon or image to display in the button
Button Colour Set the colour of the button to be theme primary or a custom colour

Example Configuration

Example 1 - Left Aligned with Icon

Section Header

Example 2 - Center Aligned with Border

Section Header

Config Repository

This web part supports use of the config repository, to allow users to save and load configurations of web parts with ease.

Loading a config file will populate the web part properties with properties from the incoming file.


Saving to SharePoint allows collaboration between users in a tenant.

The path the file is saved to is tenant-name/Site Assets/Mercury Assets/webpart-name.json.


To save a file to SharePoint, edit permissions are required on the root Site Assets library.

To load a file from SharePoint, read permissions are required on the root Site Assets library.


Saving to OneDrive allows a user to save a file locally, this is the best option when a user does not have the required permissions to save to SharePoint.

The path the file is saved to is Mercury Assets/webpartname.json.